SEO Guide| Seo Tips for Beginners that Works Quickly

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SEO Guide| Best Seo Tips For Beginners that Works Quickly

SEO Guide| Seo Tips for Beginners that Works Quickly 2018


Today i am going to share my Seo experience by which I got a lot of traffic without expanding any money at all.

I expand a lot of time in SEO work and i have share some most important factors about SEO.

And I believe these factors are the key factors for any blog to rank it up.

There is a new Google ranking factor which is huge right now if you take advantage of it you will find higher Google ranking

and more traffic which provides you a high quality traffic these are three practical ways to improve ranking that has also shown a great result

one day I was checking my Google ranking. I was ranked on first page due to my keyword how to get high

then I realise why google ranking on first page it was because of the keyword how to get high in my content

and I noticed one thing that most of the people expended 3 minute on my website but for this page 1 minute and 45 seconds

it was about half of my site time what was going on here. I was shocked I noticed that when peoples

while clicking on my website they were getting a higher result but with other websites they quickly left it.

Because people were searching that how to get high hate and Google took the action after few weeks it was going up and up because of my content

because it was full of knowledge that people want to know that's why my whole website ranking improved I noticed one thing that people who used for your site your rank improves

and also people stay more time help your website to improve Google rank and today my page ranks number 1 in Google due to keyword high quality backlinks for a Keyword how to get high

I knows where to get traffic it was also a main power of my website ranking . I noticed that even though backlinks continue cornerstone of Google alorithm

but it was cleared that searching engine gives you more preference when your content is better and people spend more time on your website.

Steven levy writes on his book that on the most basic level google sees that how is site is it is satisfying his users.

And the best sign for the user happiness. When people stay more time website it sends a message to Google that peoples are getting more satisfaction as a result of that you are ranks improve day by day.

And if peoples doesn't stays more time it sends a message to Google that website is not satisfying the users.

As a result your website ranks falls down. Now the question is how you say to Google that your website is better compared to your competitors sites.

There are a few techniques First we have bucket brigades Bucket brigade are the words that keeps the user stay on your site these are the words like how, look, just like, it can't be enough, it is too easy etc .

These are a few words that's make the user to stay more time as compare to normal content. And I found a great result of that.

People was spending more time as compared to the normal content. Whenever you write a content you must find that whenever people get bored you must add bucket brigade. There is a few bucket brigades that these are given below:

that can you use Here's the deal Seo Tips for beginners

SEO Guide for beginners

But there is a catch's What's the real story How can actually you use it The best part is That's not all Why does this matter Is it possible It is too easy Second strategy is benefit driven subheaders

Post your content expectantly it shows that your content is broken into subheadings it shows a huge amount of subheadings it increases your average time spend.

One of the reason that your content contain lots of subheadings. Most people use random subheadings which makes the user to stay less time as compared to benefit driven subheadings.

This technique is also known as random subheading technique which makes the user grabs the intentions.

As a result of that user spends more time as compared to normal subheading. And user thoughts that it has a great meaning.

And third is APP formula As you have only 2 to 3 seconds to impress the users with content it is a formula that how can you write a best content.

Your content must contain a picture as well as content as user start to view your content. And it must contain the subheadings as your user start to visit it.

Just like below image. APP formula stands for agreed, promise, preview Nowview in image how you have to apply these three formulas on your content.

As APP stands for agree it means user should agree and shows that you understands there problems with post content and preview means it should contain bucket bridages and benefit driven subheadings.

And promise means you are giving your user a promising content. such that you write that things dramatically changes as I have tried it.

And it is working 50% or 60%. And finally the preview it shows that exactly how you have tell your user do it.

Your website must be mobile friendly website there is a lot of use of mobile and it should be mobile friendly to make it more better.

And Google likes to websites which are also mobile friendly because now a days people use more mobile as compared to pC or laptop.

It can cause decrease in pagerank. So your site must be mobile friendly. Speed of your web page It is one of the key factor according to according to me

because people dislike thoes websites which gets more time in opening. It should be in the range of 2 to 4 seconds.

For example:

If you are finding something you open the site but you say that site is not opening fast it takes a lot of time.

Immediately you click on back button and open the website. Which takes less time to open. So how other users will open your site if it takes a lot of time in loading.

So you must focus on the basic which is website speed which must be in the range of 2 to 4 seconds.

Website content length also matters a lot because it has been noticed that websites which have longer content has higher rank as compared to sites having smaller content.

Your content must be lengthy with a proper keywords. It should contain at least 2000 words. Which should be related to the topic.

Backlinks has a key role in SEO. Your site must have high quality backlinks. Backlinks are considered as most important factor sEO from first days of the SEO.

Optimised images it has been noticed websites having images have more traffic as compared to sides content having no image when you're write your content you must put image in it.

which should be optimised according to your content. The most important are keywords: According to me SEO is the game of keywords Keywords is all about intention of users to use search engine.

You must know that what the user are exactly searching. You can find it from search engine engine in related topic it exactly suggest you what user are finding.

From where you can find the best keywords. You must have proper keywords top rank your site. There is another technique which is known as best keyword technique.

With the help of this you can get better rank this is the use of most important keywords which can be used in almost every contents.

There is a list of a few of these keywords Like easy, simple, review, news, best, high quality, most important

These are the most important keywords that helps you to rank your site better as compare to your common keywords.

Another important factor is interlinking with your other posts. It not only increases your site page views but also your site Google rank.

Although interlinking is an old technique but it still works. On the basics you must focus on title because user looks title on Google then he decided to Open or not.

To make your title better you must use the most important keywords I have mention earlier. But better the best

You now I have a great post for Google search. At the end you should a great finishing touch.

Try to add related post in your posts at the bottom of your post which also helps to increase your site traffic as people expand more time.

By watching any other related post as we know if peoples expand more time in you site.

It automatically tells the google that this site is more helpful then the other sites of this categories.

A Final Bonus Tip about SEO

Try to do research about keywords which is an old but most important tip.

For this you should have to use Google Search engine, Amazon, Ali Baba and also yahoo Search engine.

Try to name the title which is more popular in all the above sites. You will get a great result by using this tips.

As we know that the basic of SEO is to boost up the traffic by your knowledge you should know some other tips

Such as

How to build high quality Backlinks

As we know that backlinks are the most important factor of SEO I believe for ranking in google you must have atleast 10000 high quality backlinks.

you can also get good ranking in google without backlinks but it become more difficult as compare to site having backlinks.

Remember that backlinks should be of high quality other wise it is the waste of time.

Here is another way to get traffic without backlinks.

Easy way to increase traffic without backlinks

Try to use some old tips as well because many of the old tips still works a lot such as


Focus on keywords Density

Focusing on Image optimization

For this you can try my old post about SEO

That all about SEO for beginners

Top 10 Seo tips of 2017Finally if you like my tips and ideas please don't forget to comment and share because sharing is caring.

If you have any question about this post comment us we will try to answer your question.
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